Another mistake driven project

2014-03-02 15.32.46This is my 3rd segmented bowl. The first two were 6 segments, this one is 8. I ended up with maple on the bottom since I blew a hole in the walnut at the last minute. In retrospect I wish I had used walnut to fix the hole but it is done now and I have moved on. Despite that I had a number of people who wanted it, I just can’t part with it yet. This is Maple and Walnut and about 9″ in diameter.

2014-03-01 15.19.43 2014-03-01 15.48.192014-03-01 16.27.15 2014-03-01 16.58.08

I have parts being glued for a 10 segment bowl in the shop now. I will probably stop when I get to the 12 segment. Gluing is not as fun as turning!

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