Bowl Salvage

IMG_0492I kept looking at the bowl I broke and really wanted to finish it to see how that apple going to look (in the future when it’s actually dry.) It occurred to me that I could cut out the damaged section and insert a nice new piece of wood in there.IMG_0490I did make one mistake and didn’t think about how small the piece was that I needed to reattach. I laid the big section on a piece of walnut and traced it. That was not really a problem since it gave me an opportunity to turn a really thin bowl — which I had been procrastinating on. I Also found here was no way to clamp the bowl with the piece in it but using Titebond original glue and some masking tape i was able to get it glued. I had planned on waiting 24 hours before chucking it back on the lathe but as usually I hate to wait so I gave it about 2 hours which actually worked out quite fine. Like I said, the bowl is quite thin (about 1/8″) and I used friction polish and paste wax to finish.


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