This could be yours

2014-03-18 07.58.24A local friend Steve Price, who many know from Price’s Yacht Canvas,  is suffering from Lymphoma cancer. There is a benefit for him here in Trappe next month. As part of the benefit there will be a silent auction. This bowl is being donated for that cause. The bowl is made of cherry and yellowheart.

The bowl is a return to a normal turned bowl after my recent foray into segmented bowls. I did use segments for the top with a nice piece of yellow heart that had been in my scrap box for a couple of years. The nice thing about using segments is the ability to use up scrap.

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2014-03-17 15.28.55-2If you know Steve and want to help out, donations are being accepted. You can send check to:

The Talbot Bank
Atten: Dawn Henckle
1013 S. Talbot St.
St. Michaels, MD 21663
Payable to Steve Price Benefit Account

Or you could just attend the event.

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