A local friend Steve Price, who many know from Price’s Yacht Canvas, is suffering from Lymphoma cancer. There is a benefit for him here in Trappe next month. As part of the benefit there will be a silent auction. This bowl is being donated for that cause. The bowl is made of cherry and yellowheart.
The bowl is a return to a normal turned bowl after my recent foray into segmented bowls. I did use segments for the top with a nice piece of yellow heart that had been in my scrap box for a couple of years. The nice thing about using segments is the ability to use up scrap.
If you know Steve and want to help out, donations are being accepted. You can send check to:
The Talbot Bank
Atten: Dawn Henckle
1013 S. Talbot St.
St. Michaels, MD 21663
Payable to Steve Price Benefit Account
Or you could just attend the event.