Where’s the recent posts?

2016-04-12 15I thought since I left my day job I would have more time to turn wood — wrong! Last week I got a small injury on my stationary sander taking almost all the skin off the middle finger of my left hand which held me back a bit. I am finishing a building project at the house. I also had to take my guitar to get the bridge glued back on for the time when the finger heals and I can actually play again. I did have a lot of wood show up in front of the shop. This piece I started was from an unknown source and I wasn’t quite sure what it was until I started turning. I found it to be poplar and it turns like butter. This one has gone through several trips to the microwave and the moisture level is now down below 10%. I’d say it was dry. This piece is screaming for color so colored it shall be when I decide how I want to approach it. Finish project coming soon (hopefully).

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